What is chemistry? And how chemistry can effect on drugs?
Certainly chemistry is everywhere that you think, and we have to use it all the time in our daily lives, probably without knowing it. Chemistry in Your Life completed applications sections throughout.
The synthesis of most drugs is accomplished through the procurement of a precursor chemical that requires very little modification to yield the desired product. This is the case with the very popular synthesis of methamphetamine from ephedrine or pseudoephedrine. The nature of this synthesis is relatively simple, and the availability of the direct precursor to the general public in the form of cold/decongestant pills makes it all the more so. However, as a result of the proliferation of methamphetamine labs across the United States, governmental regulations and obliging drug companies have progressively made such pills more difficult to extract. This has resulted in the necessity of formulating more refined and ingenious extraction methodologies, which has actually become quite an art of its own.